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bow out 意味

"bow out"の例文


  • 身を引く、退出{たいしゅつ}する、死ぬ
    If there is another guy chasing her, I think I should bow out gracefully. もし他に彼女を好きな人がいるなら、僕は潔く身を引きます。
    How can I bow out gracefully? どうすれば潔く辞退[引き下がることが]できるでしょうか?
  • bow     1bow n. 弓; ちょう結び. 【動詞+】 bend a bow 弓を引き絞る Can you do a bow?
  • out     1out n. 《米》 不和; 〔野球〕 アウト. 【形容詞 名詞+】 He's that rare exception: a pitcher
  • bow out of    ~から身を引く、~を辞退する、~を断る
  • asked to bow out    《be ~》退職{たいしょく}を勧告{かんこく}される
  • bow oneself out of the room    一礼して去る
  • bow out of an auction    競売{きょうばい}から手を引く
  • bow out of one's candidacy    立候補{りっこうほ}を辞退{じたい}する
  • bow out of the race    出馬{しゅつば}を辞退{じたい}する
  • puffed out bow    
  • puffed-out bow    太鼓結び{たいこむすび}
  • bow out amid some triumph after    ~を花道{はなみち}に退陣{たいじん}する
  • forced to bow out as a result of the accounting scandal    《be ~》会計疑惑{かいけい ぎわく}のせいで辞任{じにん}を強いられる
  • a bow    a bow 大弓 だいきゅう
  • bow     1bow n. 弓; ちょう結び. 【動詞+】 bend a bow 弓を引き絞る Can you do a bow? ちょう結びができますか She hasn't learned to do a bow yet. ちょう結びはまだ覚えていない draw a bow 弓を引く draw a (violin) bow across


  • i'll politely bow out , so excuse me .
    "わたし 辞退しますから。"
  • he would always bow out of the house
  • we're gonna have to bow out of this .
    中止しよう 大丈夫
  • it's not too late to bow out .
  • bow out of the race before a pesky little squirrel digs up one of your rotten acorns .
    厄介な小さいリスが 腐ったドングリを掘り出す前に出馬を止めたら


  • retire gracefully; "He bowed out when he realized he could no longer handle the demands of the chairmanship"
    Synonyms: withdraw,

  • remove oneself from an obligation; "He bowed out when he heard how much work was involved"
    Synonyms: chicken out, back off, pull out, back down,

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